Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Oregon Coast: 5 reasons why I love it!

                                                                     Oceanside, Oregon at dusk - Julie A. Lopez

1.  Perfect in any weather;  Stormy - make a fire, grab a cocktail, your snuggie and gaze out the window.  Sunny - walk on the beach and search for pretty rocks!

2.  Calms my stressed soul and recharges my internal battery.

3.  No need to play volleyball or wear a swimsuit!

4.  No cell phone reception (Oceanside); can't obsess over voicemails, emails or texts.

5.  Endless photographic opportunities.

This small beach is my favorite place in the world.  No doubt about it.  Where is your favorite place and why?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Paranormal obsession

Over the past few months I've become interested (okay obsessed) with Paranormal shows.  All of a sudden there is a plethora of them on cable.  My two favorites are Psychic Kids and Paranormal State both on A&E.  I watch them religiously on Tuesday nights.  I'd never given this subject much thought before.  There have been a few instances in my life where I 'felt or sensed' something but nothing dramatic.

I can't say I don't believe there are spirits or ghosts or entitities among us. Who am I to say these things don't exist.  So if I say I believe, I scare the crap out of myself.  That means that at any given time there could be entities watching (or protecting) us.  That freaks me out because I often do really stupid stuff and frequently I'm thankful that no one saw.  Or did they?  Is, for example, my ultra-conservative and religious grandmother (passed away in 1994) watching when I do things that would make her cluck cluck with judgement.  I often did that when she was alive so why not now?

I'm not often drawn to things that scare me but this is different.  I would love to join a paranormal investigation but would I run screaming the first instance I felt something that I couldn't see?  Uh, yes I would.  Is that enough to keep me from attempting the experience.  Definitely not.  Make sense?  No.

If anyone reads this post I'd like to hear from you if you've had paranormal experiences or if not - what you believe about them.  Are there more conflicted people out there such as me?